'The Ceremony at St. Paul's', London, 1897. 'The photograph was taken immediately after the conclusion of the Service, when Her Majesty (whose face is clearly seen) turned to receive the congratulations of the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cambridge. The latter is in the act of addressing the Queen: the Prince is close behind him. The Princess of Wales and Princess Christian are the other occupants of the carriage; the latter holds her fan to screen her face from the sun. The Archbishop of Canterbury (Dr. Temple) stands directly above the Queen.' Queen Victoria (1819-1901) celebrated her Diamond Jubilee (60th anniversary of her reign - June 1837-June 1897). Her reign of 63 years and seven months was longer than that of any previous British monarch. Here her carriage is seen outside St Paul's Cathedral. From Sixty Years A Queen: The Story of Her Majesty's Reign, by Sir Herbert Maxwell. [Harmsworth Bros, Limited, London, c1897]

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