The Taurus molecular cloud 1 (TMC-1) is a giant molecular cloud in the constellation of Taurus. The cloud is notable for containing many complex molecules, including cyanopolyynes. TMC-1 is only 430 light years away from earth, making it the nearest large star formation region. It also reveals characteristics that make it ideal for detailed physical studies. It has been important in star formation studies at all wavelengths. Covering about 20 x 30 degrees, this wide-angle image shows a complex of bright red emission nebulae, star clusters, blue reflection nebulosity, and complex dark nebulae. California Nebula (NGC 1499), a very large red emission nebula, is at upper right. NGC 1499, B7, B18 and B19, are near the center of the image. M45, an open cluster, at lower right center. Open clusters NGC 1817, NGC 1746, NGC 1647 are on the left side of the image. Melotte 25, a large star cluster in the shape of a "V" at lower left. NGC 1579 is a small knot of red emission nebulosity at upper right, and IC 348 is a complex of nebulosity near Omicron Persei at right.

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