Shippingport Atomic Power Station, circa 1957. "The heart of the nation's first full-scale atomic-electric generating station -- this 58-ton, multi-million dollar nuclear core, or fuel charge, is show as it was slowly being lowered into position with its precious fuel consisting of 14 tons of natural uranium and 165 pounds of highly enriched uranium. Engineers and technicians of Duquesne Light Company and Westinghouse Electric Corporation are seen here supervising the delicate maneuvering of the huge core. It is within this core the the "hot" nuclear reaction, or fission process, will take place with the Shippingport plant - the world's first full-scale atomic power station exclusively for civilian needs - is a joint project of the US Atomic Engery Commission and Duquesne Light Company. Westinghouse, under contract to the A.E.C, designed and developed the nuclear reactor. Duquesne Light is building the electric generating portion of the plant and will operate the entire station."

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