Illustration of a cave entrance, Kentucky. Included in the mural are the following plants and animals: 1. Mosses (ledges above cave entrance). 2. Liverworts (rock below black rat snake). 3. Lichens (on rock under bobcat). 4. Walking fern (upper left of cave entrance). 5. Polypody fern (clump to right of black rat snake). 6. Bulblet fern (clump under flying swallow). 7. Pawpaw (large-leafed shrub on left half of illustration). 8. Columbine (plant with red flowers to right of perched phoebe). 9. Wild hydrangea (plant with white flowers in upper right section of illustration). 10. Spotted touch-me-not (plant under columbine). 11. Poison ivy (vine to left of bobcat). 12. Virginia creeper (vine over cave entrance). 13. Eastern phoebe (bird perched on rock to left of columbine). 14. Northern rough-winged swallow (flying bird to left of cave entrance). 15. Black rat snake (lower right section of illustration). 16. Bobcat (upper left section of illustration). 17. Leopard frog (lower left section of illustration). 18. Spotted salamander (to left of black rat snake).

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