Entitled: "Daisy and Violet Hilton, conjoined twins, dressed for golf. " Daisy and Violet Hilton (February 5, 1908 - January 4. 1969) were a pair of English Siamese Twins, joined by their hips and buttocks; they shared blood circulation and were fused at the pelvis but shared no major organs. Their mother worked in a bar and sold the twins to her boss, who toured them around the world. They gained recognition in Germany, the US and Australia and tap danced in a Bob Hope act. They gained independence in 1931 and went into vaudeville. Violet was a saxophonist and Daisy a violinist. After vaudeville lost popularity, the sisters performed in burlesque, and struggled to make a living. Their last public appearance was in 1961 at a drive-in cinema in Charlotte, North Carolina. Their manager abandoned them there, and with no means of transportation or income, they were forced to take a job in a nearby grocery store. In 1969, after they failed to report to work, their boss called the police. The twins were found dead in their home, victims of the Hong Kong flu. According to a forensic investigation, Daisy died first; Violet died between two and four days later. They were 60 years old. Progress Studio, New York, 1927.

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