Krao Farini (1876 - April 16, 1926) was an American sideshow performer born with hypertrichosis. It is claimed that in January 1881, Krao and her parents were captured in Laos during an expedition conducted by the explorer Carl Bock. An anthropologist, George Shelly, was part of the expedition and took charge of Krao. She was described as being part of a primitive tribe of humans called "Kraos-monink" all of whom were covered in hair and lived in trees. By 1883, Krao was being exhibited in Europe as an example of a missing link between humanity and apes and proof of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. She was given the surname of Farini at some point after her capture by sideshow promoter Guillermo Antonio Farini when he adopted her. She spent several decades exhibiting herself. She lived the last few years of her life in Brooklyn at 309 East 19th Street. When out in public but not on display she wore a veil. She died from influenza in 1926 at the age of 49 or 50. She requested her body to be cremated in order to avoid her body being gawked at.

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