Hydrotherapy cures at Gr瓣fenberg, Germany, seat bath (right) and bed wrap (left). L獺zne Jesen穩k (until 1948, Gr瓣fenberg) is a small village in the Czech Republic. The place is known for its connection with Vincent Priessnitz who founded the first modern hydrotherapeutic institute in 1819. The initial curing included application of cold compresses and poultices or sprinkling of affected areas. He cured contusions, sprains and external wounds. He created his own method of a "sweating cure" used for chronic diseases. He left the patient to sweat in the bed and then he immersed him into a laundry tub with cold water for a short time. Later, in addition to simple sweating cures, he added frequently repeated applications of cold water. These included mostly total baths connected with rubbing of skin, or half-baths, paddling in water, sitting baths, baths of limbs, baths of eyes, total and partial cold showers, drinking of cold spring water, sometimes also cold water intestinal clysm. Lithograph, 1860s.

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