Henry Clay Frick (1849-1919) was an American industrialist, financier, and art patron. He founded the H. C. Frick & Company coke manufacturing company, was chairman of the Carnegie Steel Company, and played a major role in the formation of the giant U.S. Steel steel manufacturing concern. He built the historic neoclassical Frick Mansion and at his death donated his extensive collection of old master paintings and fine furniture to create the Frick Collection and art museum. He was known by his critics as "the most hated man in America" for his actions against the strikers during the Homestead Steel Strike, an 1892 labor strike at the Homestead Works of the Carnegie Steel Company. The anarchist Alexander Berkman unsuccessfully tried to murder Frick in revenge for the nine steelworkers killed when they were attacked by the Pinkerton detectives hired by Frick to disperse the locked-out workers and allow in strikebreakers.

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