Phorusrhacos longissimus is an extinct, giant flightless predatory bird that lived in Miocene Patagonia (Patagonia is a sparsely populated region located at the southern end of South America, shared by Argentina and Chile). Phorusrhacos is thought to have lived in woodlands and grasslands. It grew up to 8.2 feet tall and 290 pounds. They had enormous skulls up to sixty centimeters long, armed with powerful, hook-tipped beaks. The structure of the beak and the large claws on the toes show that they were carnivorous. A drawing of the terror bird Phorusrhacos by Charles R. Knight published in Animals of the Past, 1901. Charles Robert Knight (October 21, 1874 - April 15, 1953) was an American artist best known for his influential paintings of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals. His works have been reproduced in many books and are currently on display at several major museums in the United States.

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