Harding with his airedale Laddie Boy. Warren Gamaliel Harding (November 2, 1865 - August 2, 1923) was the 29th President of the United States (1921-23). He defeated Democrat James M. Cox with the largest popular vote landslide (60% to 34%) in presidential history. He sought out the "best minds" in his cabinet, including Andrew Mellon at the Treasury, Herbert Hoover at Commerce, and Charles Evans Hughes at the State Department. He signed the first federal child welfare program, and dealt with striking mining and railroad workers in part by supporting an 8-hour work day. He created the Bureau of the Budget to prepare the first US federal budget. He advocated an anti-lynching bill to curb violence against African Americans, but it failed to pass Congress. In August 1923, Harding suddenly collapsed and died at the age of 57. In recent years there has been some recognition of his fiscal responsibility and endorsement of African-American civil rights. Harding has been viewed as a more modern politician who embraced technology and was sensitive to the plights of minorities, women, and labor. National Photo Company, circa 1909-1923.

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