The bank was within the Dunbar Apartment complex on Seventh Avenue between 149th and 150th streets; both the bank and the apartments received financial assistance from the Rockefeller family. Countee Cullen, Dr. W.E.B. Dubois, A. Philip Randolph, and Bill Robinson lived there. The Harlem Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned the 1920s. During the first Great Migration (1910-1930) about 1.6 million African-American migrants left Southern rural areas to migrate to northern industrial cities. Starting around the time of the end of WWI, Harlem became associated with the New Negro movement, and then the artistic outpouring known as the Harlem Renaissance, which extended to poetry, novels, theater, and the visual arts. It took years for business ownership to reflect the new reality. A survey in 1929 found that whites owned and operated 81.51% of the neighborhood's 10,319 businesses, with beauty parlors making up the largest number of black-owned businesses

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