First attempt in a dirigible balloon, aerostat of the academy of Dijon, 1784. Louis-Bernard Guyton de Morveau (January 4, 1737 - January 2, 1816) was a French chemist and politician. He is credited with producing the first systematic method of chemical nomenclature. In 1783, he was elected a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. He served on the Committee of Public Safety in 1793, but resigned in order to devote his time to the manufacture of firearms, and formation of a corps of balloonists for the French Revolutionary Army. He himself flew in a balloon during the battle of Fleurus on June 26, 1794. He was among the founders of the ?cole Polytechnique an a professor of mineralogy at the Polytechnique, as well as its director in 1797. He was made a baron of the First French Empire in 1811, He died in 1816 two days shy of his 79th birthday.1816 at the age of

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