Planisphaerivm Brahevm, Sive Structura Mvndi Totivs, Ex Hypothesi Tychonis Brahei In Plano Delineata: The planisphere of Brahe, or the structure of the universe following the hypothesis of Tycho Brahe drawn in a planar view. Brahe appreciated the Copernican system, but objected to the idea of a moving Earth on the basis of physics, astronomy, and religion. Brahe believed in a "geo-heliocentric" system, (Tychonic system) which he developed in the late 1570s. In such a system, the sun, moon, and stars circle a central Earth, while the five planets orbit the Sun. The essential difference between the heavens (including the planets) and the Earth remained: Motion stayed in the ethereal heavens; immobility stayed with the heavy sluggish Earth. It was a system that Tycho said violated neither the laws of physics nor sacred scripture with stars located just beyond Saturn and of reasonable size. Illustration by Andreas Cellarius (1596-1665) a Dutch-German cartographer, best known for his Harmonia Macrocosmica of 1660, a major star atlas.

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