Francois Rabelais (between 1483 and 1494 - April 9, 1553) was a French Renaissance author, doctor, humanist, Greek scholar and monk. He became a novice of the Franciscan order and studied Greek and Latin as well as science, philology, and law, becoming known and respected by the humanists of his era. Harassed due to the directions of his studies he gained permission to leave the Franciscans and to enter the Benedictine order, where he was more warmly received. Later he left the monastery to study medicine at the University of Poitiers and at the University of Montpellier. Historically he is regarded as an author of fantasy, satire, and the grotesque. His use of his native tongue was original, lively, and creative. He introduced dozens of Greek, Latin, and Italian loan-words and Greek and Latin compound words and idioms into French. His works are filled with sexual double-entendre, dirty jokes and bawdy songs that can still surprise and shock modern readers. Different accounts survive of his death and of his last words. According to some, he wrote a famous one sentence will: "I have nothing, I owe a great deal, and the rest I leave to the poor", and his last words were "I go to seek a Great Perhaps."

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