William Alexander.View of the banks of the Pei ho River.A group of men tied up with a rope pull barges up the Hai River while walking along its bank; where groups of women and children sit watching under the trees. Signed with initials at bottom right and annotated in pencil on verso: 鈥楥hinese Figures tracking the Junks of the Embassy & people assembled to see it pass. Banks of the river Pay-ho Oct. r 1793'. Pasted on mount with washlines. Described as 鈥榁iew of Men tracking the barges against the stream of the Pei ho; and a group of women on a height assembled to see the Embassador pass'. 1 drawing: watercolour ; sheet 30 x 39.7 cm; on support 38.1 x 54.3 cm.[1793-1794].From: William Alexander; [A collection of eighty views; maps; portraits and drawings illustrative of the Embassy sent to China under George; Earl of Macartney; in 1793; drawn chiefly by William Alexander; some by Sir John Barrow; Bart. some by Sir Henry Woodbine Parish; and one by William Gomm. Many of them are engraved in Sir George Staunton's Narrative of the Embassy; published in 1797.].Maps 8. Tab. C. 8.11London; British Library.

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