Autograph letter from Margaret Queen of Scotland to Henry VIII; 11 April 1513. Before departing for France; Henry VIII sent his ambassador Nicholas West to James IV to secure a promise that he would not invade England during Henry's absence. In return; Henry promised his sister; Margaret; Queen of Scotland that he would release her father's legacy. On 11 April; signing herself 鈥榶our lowynn syster' Margaret wrote this letter to Henry; diplomatically stating 鈥榳e can nocht beleve that of youre mynd or be youre command we are sa sriendly delt with in oure faderis Legacy'. More defiantly; she continued: 鈥極ure husband knawis it is withhaldin for his saik; and will recompens us鈥e lak na thing'.1500-1650.From: Correspondence and other records (mostly originals) concerning England and Scotland; 1474-1528; including items sent by James IV; king of Scots (1488-1513); James V; king of Scots (1513-1542); Margaret; queen of Scots (d. 1541); Katherine of Aragon; queen of England (d. 1536); Thomas; Cardinal Wolsey (d. 1530); and Sir Thomas More (d. 1535); draft of a letter by Mary; queen of Scots (1542-1567; d. 1587); addressed to Elizabeth I; queen of England (1558-1603).Cotton Caligula B. VI; f. 83 London; British Library.

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