Letter from Elizabeth I to Mary Queen of Scots; blaming her for the conclusion of the judicial enquiry at York / Hampton Court; 21 December 1568. Elizabeth's tribunal opened on 4 October; with Thomas Howard; the 4th Duke of Norfolk; and Sir Ralph Sadler; an expert in Scottish affairs; sitting as judges. On 6 December; eight love-letters; allegedly written by Mary to Bothwell; were produced as evidence of Mary's adultery and guilt in the plot to murder Darnley. Mary claimed the letters were forgeries and demanded that she be allowed to attend the trial and plead her case in person. Elizabeth refused and Mary's representatives withdrew in protest. Signing herself 鈥榊our good sister and cousin; Elizabeth sent this letter; dated 21 December; to Mary; urging her to answer the charges against her. Mary refused and in January 1569; the case against her was declared to be 鈥榥ot proven'.1567-1st half of the 17th century.From: Records and papers (originals and copies) concerning England and Scotland; 1567-1570; much of it relating to the exile of Mary; queen of Scots (1542-1567; d. 1587); and including the original correspondence of Mary; queen of Scots.Cotton Caligula C. I; f. 367London; British Library.

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