Bharadvaja; seated outside his hut with other ascetics and deer; enquires of the princes whether they have enjoyed his hospitality. He tells them and their companions that Rama is living in Citraku?a. At his request; the princes introduce the three queens; but Bharata is still bitter about his mother. Bharadvaja tells Bharata that Kaikeyi's action will ultimately bring good to the world. The army; with its horses; elephants and chariots; and the queens' litters; wait on the right. The two princes and their army followers have reached the hermitage of Bharadvaja; who; having ascertained their peaceful intentions towards Rama; has; through his magic powers; hospitably entertained them all. In the morning; the princes prepare to take their departure with their army; but first come to ask Bharadvaja the way to Citrakuta where Rama is to be found. At his request; the princes introduce the three queens one by one. Bharadvaja tells Bharata that Kaikeyi's action will ultimately bring good to the world. Image taken from Ramayana; Ayodhya Kanda.Originally published / produced in Udaipur; 1650.Udaipur; c. 1653.From: Ramayana.Add. 15296 (1); f. 108London; British Library.

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