Ivory lower cover.The carved word 鈥楬erodius' on the lower cover possibly refers to the artist or to Fulk of Anjou (the bird name; 鈥榟erodias' could be used synonymously with 鈥榝ulica' (coot); and the French vernacular for coot 鈥榝oulque'). ; Detached binding from Egerton MS 1139 (the 鈥楳elisende Psalter'):2 ivory panels; with scenes from the life of David on the upper cover (image labelled as f. v-recto); and the six vices and six works of charity; illustrating Matthew 25: 35-36; on the lower cover (image labelled as f. vii-verso); with numerous inscriptions. Made from thick sheets of ivory; into which the relief was cut; with small pieces of turquoise; ruby-coloured gemstones; and jet. Some traces of red pigment visible; 2 separated ivory panel backings (images labelled as f; v-verso and f. vii-recto); and 2 wooden panels (4 images; labelled as f. vi-recto; f. vi-verso and f. viii-recto; f. viii-verso); 2 metal plates (4 images; labelled as f. ix-recto to f. x-verso); embroidered silk spine; with silver thread and equal-armed crosses in red and blue; post-1600 covers of red leather with gold tooling and 4 modern paper flyleaves (labelled ff. i-recto to iv-verso). The carved word 鈥楬erodius' on the lower cover (image labelled as f. vii-verso) possibly refers to the artist or to Fulk of Anjou (the bird name; 鈥榟erodias' could be used synonymously with 鈥榝ulica' (coot); and the French vernacular for coot 鈥榝oulque').E. Mediterranean [Jerusalem]; between 1131 and 1143.From: Psalter of Queen Melisende.Egerton 1139; binding. Lower cover.London; British Library.

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