This Appendix to issue forty-five of The North Briton was published after John Wilkes returned from exile in 1768. Despite being arrested and jailed in the King's Bench Prison; Wilkes sought re-election to Parliament (1768-69); and he used The North Briton to promote himself as a defender of ancient English liberties. The Appendix supplied a detailed account of his prosecution; and began by repeating in full the famous clause from Magna Carta stating that 鈥楴o freeman may be apprehended or imprisoned 鈥?; which was quoted in Latin in the main body of the text and translated into English in a footnote. From his prison cell; Wilkes was re-elected as a Member of Parliament forMiddlesex and Alderman of London; despite opposition from the government. His use of Magna Carta was a masterstroke; and throughout this period the rallying cry of 鈥榃ilkes and liberty' was repeatedly heard on the streets of London.London: For G. Kearsley; J. Williams; W. Bingley; 1762-71.From: The North Briton.Burney 78b; no. 45 (23rd April 1763)London; British Library.

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