???? ? ??????? ??? ??????? ? ????????籔etr and Vasilii or country people in Soviet Russia.(Series of colour drawings; accompanied by text. The poster tells of two peasants - Petr and Vasilii who live in the same village. Petr is hardworking and lives in plenty. Vasilii drinks day and night. Then "a great misfortune befalls Holy Russia - the arrival of Soviet power". A Comissar from Moscow sends the village a copy of the decree on land. An orator arrives; sent from Lenin. The drunk and bawling Vasilii makes the most noise at the meeting and is made President of the Committee of the Poor. He lives a easy life; takes Petr's horse; his flour; his samovar."it turns out that the decree is such that he who has worked all his life is labelled a kulak and a harmful person".Within a month the houses are falling down; the livestock have died - only the members of the committee live well).[1918-21].From: [A collection of posters issued by the Southern anti-Bolshevik armies.].1856. g. 8. (5)London; British Library.

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