George Michael James Giles.From Doran Pass.23 Sep 1885鈥楥rest of the Durah Pass.' 鈥?3rd September; camp above Shah Salim. - A start for the Durah Pass was made at 7 a. m. and the crest was reached at 9.45; some of the officers riding the whole way to the top. We. ascended the Durah Pass; and found it wonderfully easy. It is; as Aman-ul-Mulk before told me; the only practicable avenue into his country; and could rapidly be made fit for wheels. No European; unless perhaps a Russian in disguise; has ever visited the pass; McNair having seen it from a long way off only. On the actual crest there was no snow; although it stood in frozen waves in many places on the west declivity [seen in foreground of print].' [Albumen print; 278 x 216mm].The photographs are recorded as having been sent from India to the Secretary of State in August 1886. August 1886.From: Album of 鈥楶hotographs; Gilgit; Chitral; Yassin; Mastuch; &ca.' [Gilgit Mission].Photo 1040/59London; British Library.

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