A inscription about a military victory of Emperor Charles V of Spain. ; A SERIES of twelve miniatures illustrating the victories of theEmperor Charles V. with descriptive quatrains in Spanish. Eachminiature; including a border 3/4 inch wide; measures 10 1/4 inches inlength by 7 inches in height; and is painted on the recto of a leafof vellum; 11 1/2 x 8 inches. The quatrains are on the verso; eachenclosed within an elaborate scroll-work border. At the beginningis the modern inscription " Giulio Clovio. L'aquila triumphante deCarlos Quinto "; and; according to notes inserted by T. Grenville; the tradition is that the miniatures were painted by Clovio forPhilip 11. of Spain and remained in the Escurial until they wereremoved by a French officer early in the present century. Thereis; however; no external evidence to support these statements; andalthough the miniatures are executed in the highest style of the16th century; it is very doubtful whether they are by Clovio'shand. The subjects; with very slight variations; are from designsof Martin van Heemskerck; engraved by Dirck Volkertsen Coorn-hert and published by Jerome Cock at Antwerp in 1556.Antwerp.From: A SERIES of twelve miniatures illustrating the victories of the Emperor Charles V. with descriptive quatrains in Spanish.Add. 33733 f. 8vLondon; British Library.

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