Outside the palace; Sugriva and Bali buffet each other furiously with fists and nails and then tear up trees and rocks; but Bali is the stronger and slowly Sugriva is forced to give ground. When Rama sees that Sugriva is losing; he keeps his promise to assist his ally by aiming his deadly arrow into Bali's chest. Bali sinks dying to the ground and the exhausted Sugriva too falls down. Bali bitterly reproaches Rama for his treacherous action in basely and surreptitiously killing him when engaged in fighting another. But Rama tells him that for stealing his younger brother Sugriva's wife Ruma; whom he should have regarded as a daughter-in-law; he deserves death. The earth and all that is in it belong to the Ik?vaku race and Rama is doing his warrior duty by upholding the rule of law on behalf of his brother Bharata the king. Bali accepts his fate and commends his young son A?gada to Rama's protection.

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