CARICATURE "In holidays! - By voting the tax on bicycles the House voted for himself a law of liberation ..... the most troublesome issues until at least twenty-November.". A pretty cyclist pedaling in sportswear smiling at the beach while ingiacchettate arms from all parties behind the waving leaves that recall the commitments still outstanding last round of 15 July; "the banking system the banks of issue" (report distributed in print by Minister Luigi Luzzati Treasury); "election Cipriani" (verification of the election which took place in the college of Forl? postponed for lack of a quorum); "Law advancing army"; it appeared that the Chamber was not in numbers to vote; and the session has been updated to the next round after the summer break; scheduled November 21 (which took effect in the 30). Cover of 'The Pasquino'; Turin humorous weekly founded in 1856 by Giovanni Piacentini and Giuseppe Cesana Augustus (1821-1903). The head is named after the most famous of 'talking statues' of Rome; near which the common people were using post overnight short satire in verse who took anonymously targeting the most prominent and controversial characters of the moment. Turin; July 18; 1897.

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