PHILIP D'ORLEANS (1674-1723); son of Philip I of Bourbon-Orleans (brother of Louis XIV) and Elizabeth Charlotte of Bavaria. In 1705 officially he reconstituted the Order of the Templars; claiming to be the successor of the "Master of the Temple" Jacques-Henry de Durfort and convening a General Chapter in Versailles who authenticated the right. Appointed Chairman of the Council of Regency on the death of Louis XIV; then became a recognized regent of Louis XV by parliament; and compromise the finances of the kingdom by means of the laws he enacted system; which was affected by his personal political inclinations as much as his incompetence in the economy. Atheist and debauched; was a supporter of Jansenism; also supported the education and instruction; promoted successful military campaigns; but his reign is mainly remembered for the moral corruption and the luxury pleasure-loving court. At the beginning of 1723; when the young king came of age; he condescended to retreat in the role of Prime Minisro of the Sovereign; which he held until his death at the end of that year. Colored lithograph; nineteenth century France

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