Henry IV of France (1553-1610). son of Antonio of Bourbon and Jeanne III of Navarre was baptized; but after the conversion maternal bred in Protestantism; when succeeded by Henry III in 1589 as the heir-apparent to the throne of France; had to perform an act of recantation to finally be crowned in 1594. The protagonist of the "War of the Three Henrys"; in opposition to Henry I; Duke of Guise (the head of the Catholic League) and initially to Henry III of France; who; however; finally allied himself with him to stem the growing power of Guise; was the winner of numerous decisive battles; in 1598 he issued the Edict of Nantes; which granted Protestants freedom of worship; putting an end to the wars of religion. He was assassinated by a Catholic fanatic Francois Ravaillac. Representation inspired by the portrait painted by Frans Pourbus the Younger. Colored lithograph; nineteenth century France

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