Muhammad Hosni Sayyid Mubarak (born May 4; 1928); President of Egypt; 1981 to 2011. Mubarak was appointed Vice President of Egypt in 1975; and assumed the presidency on October 14; 1981; following the assassination of President Anwar El Sadat. The length of his presidency made him Egypt's longest-serving ruler since Muhammad Ali Pasha. Before he entered politics; Mubarak was a career officer in the Egyptian Air Force; serving as its commander from 1972 to 1975.

Beginning with the 2011 Egyptian protests on January 25; 2011; protesters called for his resignation as president of Egypt. On February 1; 2011; Mubarak announced that he would not seek another term in the 2011 Egyptian presidential election. On February 5; 2011; Egyptian state media reported that senior members of the ruling National Democratic Party; including Mubarak; had resigned from leadership roles within the party.

On February 11; 2011; Vice President Omar Suleiman announced that Mubarak had resigned as President of Egypt; transferring authority to the Higher Council of the Armed Forces; following 18 days of protests challenging his thirty-year rule. Public domain image by Presidenza della Repubblica; 2009.

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