A Persian miniature is a small painting on paper; whether a book illustration or a separate work of art intended to be kept in an album of such works called a muraqqa. The techniques are broadly comparable to the Western and Byzantine traditions of miniatures in illuminated manuscripts. Although there is an equally well-established Persian tradition of wall-painting; the survival rate and state of preservation of miniatures is better; and miniatures are much the best-known form of Persian painting in the West; and many of the most important examples are in Western; or Turkish; museums.

Miniature painting became a significant Persian genre in the 13th century; receiving Chinese influence after the Mongol conquests; and the highest point in the tradition was reached in the 15th and 16th centuries. The tradition continued; under some Western influence; after this; and has many modern exponents. The Persian miniature was the dominant influence on other Islamic miniature traditions; principally the Ottoman miniature in Turkey; and the Mughal miniature in the Indian sub-continent.

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