Leonardo da Vinci.(Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci; more commonly Leonardo da Vinci or simply Leonardo (15 April 1452 - 2 May 1519); was an Italian polymath whose areas of interest included invention; painting; sculpting; architecture; science; music; mathematics; engineering; literature; anatomy; geology; astronomy; botany; writing; history; and cartography. Considered one of the greatest painters of all time; he epitomised the Renaissance humanist ideal).Also known as the "Helical Air Screw" or simply the "airscrew"; the device was designed to compress air to obtain flight - similar to today's helicopters. Da Vinci's helicopter measured more than 15 feet in diameter and was made from reed; linen and wire. It was to be powered by four men standing on a central platform turning cranks to rotate the shaft. With enough rotation; da Vinci believed the invention would lift off the ground. Unfortunately; due to weight constrictions; modern scientists do not believe da Vinci's invention would have been able to take flight.3D Reconstruction (2016).

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