The ruins of Bagan (also spelled Pagan) cover an area of 16 square miles (41 km2). The majority of its buildings were built between the 11th and 13th centuries; during the time Bagan was the capital of the First Burmese Empire. It was not until King Pyinbya moved the capital to Bagan in 874 CE that it became a major city. However; in Burmese tradition; the capital shifted with each reign; and thus Bagan was once again abandoned until the reign of King Anawrahta who; in 1057; conquered the Mon capital of Thaton; and brought back the Tripitaka Pali scriptures; Buddhist monks and craftsmen to help transform Bagan into a religious and cultural centre. With the help of a monk from Lower Burma; Anawrahta made Theravada Buddhism the state religion.

Construction of the Gawdawpalin Pagoda began during the reign of King Narapatisithu (1173-1210) and was completed during the reign of Htilominlo (1210-34). Gawdawpalin Temple is the second tallest temple in Bagan and is similar in layout to Thatbyinnyu Temple. Gawdawpalin Temple is two storeys tall; and contains three lower terraces and four upper terraces. The temple was heavily damaged during an earthquake in 1975 and was reconstructed in following years.

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