The lusheng (also spelled lu sheng; spelled qeej and pronounced gaeng in the Hmong language) is a Chinese musical instrument with multiple bamboo pipes; each fitted with a free reed; which are fitted into a long blowing tube made of hardwood. It most often has five or six pipes of different pitches; and is thus a polyphonic instrument. It comes in sizes ranging from very small to several meters in length.

The Miao are a linguistically and culturally related group of people recognized by the government of the People's Republic of China as one of the 55 official minority groups.

Miao is a Chinese term and does not reflect the self-designations of the component sub-groups; which include (with some variant spellings) Hmong; Hmu; A Hmao; and Kho (Qho) Xiong. The Miao live primarily in southern China; in the provinces of Guizhou; Hunan; Yunnan; Sichuan; Guangxi; Hainan; Guangdong; and Hubei.

Some members of the Miao sub-groups; most notably Hmong people; have migrated out of China into Southeast Asia (northern Vietnam; Laos; Myanmar (Burma) and Thailand). Following the communist takeover of Laos in 1975; a large group of Hmong refugees resettled in several Western nations (United States; France; Australia; and elsewhere.)

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