Kapitan Cina or Capitan China was originally a Portuguese title for the representative of a Chinese enclave. The 15th century rulers of Southeast Asia; such as Melaka (modern day Malacca) and Banten (or Bantam); chose to deal with a single individual from each ethnic group under their rule. This administrative method of indirect rule was later adopted by the Portuguese when they took over Melaka in the 16th century; as well as the Dutch in the Dutch East Indies; and the English in British Malaya.

Kapitan China Chung Keng Quee (traditional Chinese: ???; simplified Chinese: ???; pinyin: Zh鑞g Jinggu? 1821-13 December 1901) was the founder and administrator of modern Taiping. Appointed 'Captain China' by the British in 1877; he was a millionaire philanthropist and known as an innovator in the mining of tin. He was involved in many other industries including farming; pawnbroking and logging. He was respected by both Chinese and European communities in the early colonial settlement. His survival in the chaotic era owes much to his standing as leader of the Hai San; a Chinese secret society in British Malaya during the time of the Larut Wars (1862-73); a position he is said to have held till early 1884 although in all probability he continued to remain a leading member. The old fort at Teluk Batu was built by him to safeguard the mine that he opened there. He was a member of the Commission for the Pacification of Larut and sat as one of six members of the Advisory Perak State Council appointed by the British.

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