Operation Linebacker II was a US Seventh Air Force and US Navy Task Force 77 aerial bombing campaign; conducted against targets in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) during the final period of US involvement in the Vietnam War.

The operation was conducted from 18-29 December 1972; leading to several informal names such as 'The December Raids' and 'The Christmas Bombings'. It saw the largest heavy bomber strikes launched by the US Air Force since the end of World War II.

Linebacker II was a resumption of the Operation Linebacker bombings conducted from May to October; with the emphasis of the new campaign shifted to attacks by B-52 Stratofortress bombers rather than tactical fighter aircraft. 1;600 civilians died in Hanoi and Haiphong in the raids.

During operation Linebacker II a total of 741 B-52 sorties were dispatched to bomb North Vietnam. 15;237 tons of ordnance were dropped on 18 industrial and 14 military targets (including eight SAM sites) while fighter-bombers added another 5;000 tons of bombs to the tally. The US admitted to ten B-52s shot down over the North and five others damaged and crashed in Laos or Thailand. North Vietnamese air defense forces claim that 34 B-52s and four F-111s were shot down during the campaign.

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