'An Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon together With somewhat Concerning Severall Remarkable passages of my life that hath hapned [sic] since my Deliverance out of Captivity' is a book written by the English trader and sailor Robert Knox in 1681. It describes his experiences some years earlier on the South Asian island now best known as Sri Lanka and provides one of the most important contemporary accounts of 17th century Ceylonese life. Knox spent 19 years on Ceylon after being taken prisoner by King Rajasimha II.

Sri Lanka had always been an important port and trading post in the ancient world; and was increasingly frequented by merchant ships from the Middle East; Persia; Burma; Thailand; Malaysia; Indonesia and other parts of Southeast Asia. The islands were known to the first European explorers of South Asia and settled by many groups of Arab and Malay merchants.

A Portuguese colonial mission arrived on the island in 1505 headed by Louren鏾 de Almeida; the son of Francisco de Almeida. At that point the island consisted of three kingdoms; namely Kandy in the central hills; Kotte at the Western coast; and Yarlpanam (Anglicised Jaffna) in the north. The Dutch arrived in the 17th century. The British East India Company took over the coastal regions controlled by the Dutch in 1796; and in 1802 these provinces were declared a crown colony under direct rule of the British government; therefore the island was not part of the British Raj. The annexation of the Kingdom of Kandy in 1815 by the Kandyan convention; unified the island under British rule.

European colonists established a series of cinnamon; sugar; coffee; indigo cultivation followed by tea and rubber plantations and graphite mining. The British also brought a large number of indentured workers from Tamil Nadu to work in the plantation economy. The city of Colombo was developed as the administrative centre and commercial heart with its harbor; and the British established modern schools; colleges; roads and churches that introduced Western culture.

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