Knossos (alternative spellings Knossus; Cnossus; Greek ???s??); also known as Labyrinth; or Knossos Palace; is the largest Bronze Age archaeological site on Crete and probably the ceremonial and political centre of the Minoan civilization and culture. The palace appears as a maze of workrooms; living spaces; and store rooms close to a central square.

Detailed images of Cretan life in the late Bronze Age are provided by images on the walls of this palace. It is also a tourist destination today; as it is near the main city of Heraklion and has been substantially restored by archaeologist Arthur Evans.

The city of Knossos remained important through the Classical and Roman periods; but its population shifted to the new town of Chandax (modern Heraklion) during the 9th century AD. By the 13th century; it was called Makryteikhos or 'Long Wall'; the bishops of Gortyn continued to call themselves Bishops of Knossos until the 19th century. Today; the name is used only for the archaeological site situated in the suburbs of Heraklion.

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