Ai-Khanoum or Ay Khanum ( 'Lady of the Moon' in Uzbek; probably the historical Alexandria on the Oxus; also possibly named Eucratidia); was founded in the 4th century BCE; following the conquests of Alexander the Great and was one of the primary cities of the Greco-Bactrian kingdom.

The city is located in Kunduz Province northern Afghanistan; at the confluence of the Oxus river (today's Amu Darya) and the Kokcha river. Ai Khanoum was one of the focal points of Hellenism in the East for nearly two centuries; until its destruction by nomadic invaders around 145 BCE about the time of the death of Eucratides.

The site was excavated through archaeological searches by a French mission under Paul Bernard between 1964 and 1978; as well as by Russian archaeologists. These researches had to be abandoned with the beginning of the Soviet war in Afghanistan; during which the site was looted and used as a battleground; leaving very little of the original material.

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