Sayyid Sir Hamoud bin Mohammed Al-Said; GCSI; (1853 - July 18; 1902) (ruled August 27; 1896 - July 18; 1902) (Arabic: ???? ?? ?????) was the British-controlled Omani sultan of the protectorate of Zanzibar; who outlawed slavery on the island.

Hamoud became sultan with the support of the British consul; Sir Basil Cave; upon the death of Hamad bin Thuwaini. Before he could enter the palace; another potential contender for the throne; Khalid bin Barghash; seized the palace and declared himself sultan. The British responded the next day; August 26; 1896; by issuing an ultimatum to Khalid and his entourage to evacuate the palace by 9:00 am on August 27. When he refused; British warships fired on the palace and other strategic locations in the city; destroying them and causing Khalid and his group to flee. According to the Guinness Book of World Records the resultant Anglo-Zanzibar War was the shortest war in history; and the same day Hamoud was able to assume the title of sultan; more indebted to the British than ever.

Hamoud demanded that slavery be banned in Zanzibar and that all the slaves be freed.

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