Wat Prasat (?????????) dates back at least as far as the 16th century CE; and is probably still older.

The most important building in the temple complex is the old viharn; which dates from 1823 but was tastefully renovated in 1987. Built in traditional and distinctively Lan Na style; the viharn is built of skillfully-crafted teak wood panels on a whitewashed brick and stucco base. The main entrance; which naturally faces east; is reached by a low flight of steps flanked by naga balustrades.

The interior of the temple is elegantly understated; with tall teak pillars supporting a low-slung; tiled Lan Na roof. Unusually; at the western end of the building where the altar would usually be; there is instead an elaborately decorated entrance to the short 鈥榯unnel' leading to the contiguous chedi; the latter housing a large gilded Buddha image that is only partly visible from the viharn due to its size.

A number of Buddha images sitting on raised pedestals flank the entrance to the tunnel. All but one are of stucco; but the image closest to the tunnel entrance; on the right hand pedestal; is of cast bronze and dates from 1590 during the reign of King Nawrathaminsaw (r. 1578-1607); the first Burmese ruler of Chiang Mai.

King Mengrai founded the city of Chiang Mai (meaning "new city") in 1296; and it succeeded Chiang Rai as capital of the Lanna kingdom. Chiang Mai sometimes written as "Chiengmai" or "Chiangmai"; is the largest and most culturally significant city in northern Thailand.

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