Vajrayogini (Sanskrit: Vajrayogini; Tibetan: Dorje Naljorma; Wylie: Rdo rje rnal 'byor ma; Mongolian: ????????? ?????; ????????; Chinese: ????? Y鷍ia kongx韓gmu) is the Vajra yogini; literally 'the diamond female yogi'.

She is a Highest Yoga Tantra Yidam (Skt. I??ha-deva); and her practice includes methods for preventing ordinary death; intermediate state (bardo) and rebirth (by transforming them into paths to enlightenment); and for transforming all mundane daily experiences into higher spiritual paths.

Vajrayogini is a generic female yidam and although she is sometimes visualized as simply Vajrayogini; in a collection of her sadhanas she is visualized in an alternate form in over two thirds of the practices. Her other forms include Vajravarahi (Tibetan: Dorje Pakmo; Wylie: rdo-rje phag-mo; English: the Vajra Sow) and Krodikali (alt. Krodhakali; Kalika; Krodhesvari; Krishna Krodhini; Sanskrit; Tibetan:Troma Nagmo; Wylie:khros ma nag mo; English: 'the Wrathful Lady' or 'the Fierce Black One' ).

Vajrayogini is a ?aki?i and a Vajrayana Buddhist meditation deity. As such she is considered to be a female Buddha.

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