In the medieval Islamic tradition; Mani is described as a painter who set up a sectarian movement in opposition to Zoroastrianism. He was persecuted by Shapur I and fled to Turkestan; where he made disciples and embellished temples with his paintings.

Provisioning in advance a cave which had a spring; he told his disciples he was going to heaven; and would not return for a year; after which time they were to seek him in the cave in question. When they went to look for him; he showed them an illustrated book; called Ergenk; or Estenk; which he said he had brought from heaven: whereafter he had many followers; with whom he returned to Persia at the death of Shapur.

The new king; Hormisdas; joined and protected the sect; and built Mani a castle. The next king; Bahram or Varanes; at first favoured Mani; but; after getting him to debate with certain Zoroastrian teachers; caused him to be flayed alive; and the skin to be stuffed and hung up. Thereupon most of his followers fled to India; and some even to China; those remaining being reduced to slavery.

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