Frederick Townsend Ward was born in Salem; Massachusetts on November 29; 1831. Aside from working as a sailor during the 1850s; Ward found employment; as a 'filibuster'. 'Filibustering' is 'raising private mercenary armies and leading them into other countries to advance either [one's own] schemes or those of wealthy sponsors'.

According to a contemporary account written in early 1862; Ward and his brother arrived in Shanghai; China in 1860 for the purpose of trading; perhaps as an extension of their father's New York office.

Through their contacts with the Western business community; and Ward's own relentless self promotion; in the spring of 1860 Xu and Fang reached out to Ward and became his employers. Ward then began scouring the wharves of Shanghai for every Westerner; sober or otherwise; capable of firing a weapon. With this; the 'Shanghai Foreign Arms Corps' was born; which in defeat; would form the nucleus for the 'Ever Victorious Army'.

By March 1862; Ward's force would be officially named by the Qing government; and to history; as "The Ever Victorious Army'; and Ward himself would be made first a 4th-rank; and then a 3rd-rank mandarin; high honors from the Manchu court for a Westerner.

By March 1862; Ward's force would be officially named by the Qing government; and to history; as 'The Ever Victorious Army"; and Ward himself would be made first a 4th-rank; and then a 3rd-rank mandarin; high honors from the Manchu court for a Barbarian.

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