In Jainism; a Tirtha?kara (Sanskrit: ???????? 'ford-Maker'; Tamil: ?????? Ka?avu?) is a human being who in addition to achieving liberation and enlightenment as an 'Arihant' by destroying all of their soul constraining (ghati) karmas; became a role-model and leader for those seeking spiritual guidance. Tirthankaras revitalize Jain Society by organisation of fourfold Jain Order consisting of monks; nuns; laymen and laywomen. Not all Arihants can become Tirtha?karas. There are 24 Tirtha?karas in this time era and each of them revitalized the Jain Order.

During the 10th and 11th centuries CE the Chandella Kings of central India; scions of a powerful Rajput clan who claimed the moon as their direct ancestor; built a total of 85 temples to the glory of God; the creation; and the Hindu pantheon. The Chandellas were devout Hindus.

Eclipsed by the Mughal conquest; the rise of rival dynasties; and the passage of time; the temples languished in the harsh sun and monsoon rains of central India; gradually becoming lost in the jungle. At the time of their re-discovery in 1839; they were so completely overgrown that T. S. Burt; their founder; thought no more than seven temples had survived. Happily this proved far from the case; for when the undergrowth was hacked back and the complex restored; no fewer than twenty two of the original structures were revealed standing.

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