Elagabalus (203-222 CE); also known as Heliogabalus; was a Syrian and a member of the Severan dynasty. Elagabalus was the grandson of Julia Maesa and cousin to Emperor Caracalla. When Caracalla was assassinated in 217 CE; Julia Maesa instigated a revolt against his killer and successor; Macrinus; championing Elagabalus as emperor. Macrinus was defeated and executed in 218 CE; and Elagabalus was proclaimed emperor at barely 14 years old.

His reign was notorious for its numerous religious controversies and sex scandals; with Elagabalus showing a marked disregard for traditional Roman religious and sexual values. He was said to have had been married as many as five times; had many male lovers; and was even reported to have prostituted himself in the imperial palace. He developed a reputation for extreme decadence; eccentricity and zealotry to the god he was named after; Elagabalus; and whom he declared the new head of the Roman pantheon.

His actions and behaviour estranged both commoner and Praetorian Guard; and after four years of rule; Elagabalus was assassinated in 222 CE at the age of 18. The plot was orchestrated by Julia Maesa; the same grandmother that had placed him on the throne; and carried out by the Praetorian Guard; with his cousin Severus Alexander replacing him as emperor. Elagabalus developed one of the worst reputations among Roman emperors in history.

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