The term Naga people refers to a conglomeration of several tribes inhabiting the North Eastern part of India and north-western Burma. The tribes have similar cultures and traditions; and form the majority ethnic group in the Indian states of Nagaland; Manipur; Arunachal Pradesh and Assam.

The Naga speak various distinct languages; which each belong to branches of Tibeto-Burman; including Angami-Pochuri; Ao; Kukish; Sal; Tangkhul; and Zeme. In addition; they have developed Nagamese creole; which they use between tribes and villages; which each have their own dialect of language.

As of 2012; the state of Nagaland officially recognises 17 Naga tribes. In addition; some other Naga tribes occupy territory in the contiguous adjoining states of Manipur; Assam; and Arunachal Pradesh; India; and across the border in Burma. Prominent Naga tribes include the Angami; Ao; Chakhesang; Chang; Khiamniungan; Konyak; Lotha; Pochury; Phom; Poumai; Rongmei Naga; Rengma; Sangtam; Sema (Sumi); Mao (Memei); Maram Naga; Thangal Naga; Yimchunger; Zeliang.

Some of these tribes are: Zeme; Liangmai; Mao (Memei); Maram Naga; Nocte; Phom; Pochuri; Poumai Naga; Rongmei Naga; Tangsa; Tutsa; and Wancho.

The Naga tribes practised headhunting and preserved the heads of enemies as trophies before the 19th century.

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