Beginning in the 1930s; Masirah was used as a British military base. A small stone building; a fuel store for flying boats; was at the midpoint of the island on the West side; and had a stone above the door inscribed 'RAF 1936'. Reputedly; the fuel store was locked and visiting aircrew used to bring a key; refuel from cans; lock the store and fly onwards.

During World War 2; the United States also had a base on the island. The base continued to expand into the 1970s supporting British and Oman forces fighting insurgents during The Dhofar Rebellion and providing transit facilities for long distance RAF flights.

The British military presence at RAF Masirah extended until 31 Mar 1977; when the base was handed over to the Sultan of Oman's Air Force (now the Royal Air Force of Oman); becoming first SOAF Masirah and then RAFO Masirah. The base included HF communications hub and a rear link to SAS units based in Oman in support of the actions against rebels in the south of the country (RAF Salalah).

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