Raja Shri Man Singh Ji Saheb (Man Singh I) (December 21; 1550 - July 6; 1614) was the Kacchwaha King of Amber; a state later known as Jaipur. He was a trusted general of the Mughal emperor Akbar; who included him among the Navaratnas; or the 9 (nava) gems (ratna) of the royal court.

Amber was a city of Rajasthan state; India; it is now part of the Jaipur Municipal Corporation. Founded by the Meena Raja Alan Singh; Amber was a flourishing settlement as far back as 967 CE. Around 1037 CE; it was conquered by the Kachwaha clan of Rajputs. Much of the present structure known as Amber Fort is actually the palace built by the great conqueror Raja Man Singh I who ruled from 1590 - 1614.

The palace contains several spectacular buildings such as the Diwan-i-Khas and the elaborately painted Ganesh Pol or Ganesh Gate built by the renowned warlord Mirza Raja Jai Singh I (Man Singh I's grandson). The old and original fort of Amber dating from earlier Rajas or the Meena period is what is known in the present day as Jaigarh fort; which is actually the main defensive structure; rather than the palace itself; although the two structures are interconnected by series of encompassing fortifications.

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