Maharana Fateh Singh (1849-1930) ruled Mewar for 46 years from 1884 to 1930; with Udaipur as capital; and resided in the City Palace; Udaipur.

He was born on 16 December 1849 at Shivrati; son of Maharaj Dal Singh of the Shivrati branch of Mewar dynasty; a descendant of the fourth son; Arjun Singh; of the Rana Sangram Singh II (1710-1734). First he was adopted by his elder brother; Gaj Singh who had no heir; subsequently Maharana Sajjan Singh of Udaipur; who too had no heir; adopted him; he eventually became the Maharaja of Udaipur in 1884.

He was the only Maharaja to not attend the Delhi Durbar; both of 1903 and 1911. Then in 1921; when the Prince of Wales; Edward VIII; son of Queen Mary; visited Udaipur; he refused to receive him citing illness and instead sent his son. This act brought him into conflict with the British Raj; and thereafter; under the garb of ignoring a social unrest in Mewar; on 28 July 1921; his powers were curtailed and he was formally deposed; he was however allowed to retain his title; though effective power was handed to his son and heir; Bhupal Singh.

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