MIRACLE OF SAINT GENNARO litografia of the half of XIX the century. The first news of the miracle of the liquefaction of the blood of Saint Gennaro goes back to 17 August of the 1389 blood is guarded in two datable vitrei balsamari of various Foggia to the first decades of IV the century. The three fixed dates of the recurrent one prodigio: eve of the first Sunday of May (first translation); 16 December (anniversary of the vesuviana eruption of 1631) and the 19 september (date of the martyrdom). The blood in order to liquify itself can put little second ones to us; half hour or days; then people pray because this happens. This task is carried out by the "relatives of Saint Gennaro"; part of gushed the ethnic and cultural patrimony; in the course of the centuries; from the popular mercy; they use confidential simple expressions and "saint nuosto"; "guappone";'makes ngialluta'ecc.; dialectal prayers that are alive voice of the Neapolitan language.

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