Facade of the SANCTUARY or Oratory of the Vergine Blessed soul of the Pontasso. Up lapide with coat of arms gentilizio Marquis Negrotto Cambiaso di Codevilla remembers restorer in 1858. Torrazza Coasts (Pavia). A popular legend tells that; during the historical siege of Pavia from Longobardi (569-572); a warrior (Count Ace); being itself pushed in the forests in order to hunt game; and being itself loosed; it made a ballot the Vergine Maria that if it were successful to exit from those wild places; would have raised a nail head in Its honor. Suddenly it had the apparition of a beautifulst mrs. who would have indicated it the which loosed path. Sul place of the presumed apparition; the Count Ace would have melted the ballot erecting to you a small nail head. More late to valley of the hill; being thrown a bridge on the river Brignolo; the locality was called Bridge Ace; then Pontasso.

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